Friday, September 24, 2010

Makeshift Tokens

T-Rex! Noooooooooooo~!

As much as I wuv my Myr tokens and hope to use them tomorrow, I've been tempted to bring along my T-Rex to Magic tournaments to be used as a creature token for a while now. His mouth opens and closes, so there's an easy way to make if he's tapped or untapped, and it would be cool if he represented my Avatar should I get one out with Ajani Goldmane. So long as I didn't make an ass of myself by making it literally trample or otherwise interact with the cards themselves (i.e. nothing like what's pictured here), I don't think anyone would mind.

Sadly, there has rarely been a scenario where he'd actually work as a token. I mean, imagine if I used him to represent a Myr or a cat token. Not even his being inanimate would stop his biting me. Given that he most likely wouldn't get used and he effectively takes up more space than the box I carry cards in, I'll probably leave him behind. Or not. We'll see.

That said, what's the most interesting "token" you've ever used in a game?

Note: The above photo was carefully taken by a dude pretending he knew what he was doing. Exercise caution when taking stupid photos of your own cards, or they could easily become damaged. Thank you.


  1. Speaking for myself, probably the most interesting token that I've used was a D&D figure, a knight of the chalice, I think ,that I used to represent a soldier, or the occasional avatar. I mainly use glass beads or coins, but I find that every now and then a figure can add a little life to the play. Its more fun to watch their expression as I put down a stone giant for my new giant token instead of a piece of glass.

  2. I've used dinosaur toys from around the house before! Granted, these were in casual games *at* the house, but still. (Also: SD-Gundams.)

    And you could use it as one of the 3/3 Golem tokens from Golem Foundry and Precursor Golem, or maybe one of the Deathcoil Wurm halves.

  3. Torn up Yu-gi-oh! cards. Oh, and fruit.

  4. Most interesting thing I've used? People. Not dead people, living people. There was a big tournament at my school's gaming club and I was playing in the finals with my G/W tokens deck. So I called people from the audience to act as the tokens for my deck. It was fun.

  5. My best 'token' is actually a proxy I used for Warhammer 40K. Since it's a REALLY expensive game I didn't have a lot of pieces, but wanted some more heavy firepower. I pulled down a Gundam model or two and used them as Ork Dreadnoughts.

  6. I once tried to use my Arming Sword as a token. I thought it wood be cool to play my White Knight/Angel deck dressed in my Crusader gear, and the sword happened to be the closesst thing lying around. First time I tapped it it cleared the table. :(

  7. For me, Its a shoe, or a lunchbox, or a french fry, depending on which one you think is most interesting. I play during lunches at my school a lot, and sometimes people forget to bring things like tokens
